Dr. Ingrid Nunes

Software Engineering · Former Professor at UFRGS

Dr. Ingrid Nunes moved to industry in 2022. Previously, she was an associate professor of the Instituto de Informática at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil. Her research in Software Engineering focused on software design, implementation and evolution, and self-adaptive systems. She also has research contributions in the context of distributed artifical intelligence (multi-agent systems), decision-support and recommender systems, and explainable AI. As a professor, she received a research productivity (PQ) fellowship Level 2 from 2016 to 2021, which is granted by CNPq and given to above-average Brazilian researchers. She was a guest professor at TU Dortmund (DE), Univeristy of Klagenfurt (AT), and RWTH Aachen (DE). Dr. Nunes completed her undergraduate studies in Computer Science at UFRGS (2006), with highest honours, and also received the Prêmio Destaque Universitário em Informática (SEPRORGS) and Homenagem Aluno Destaque (Brazilian Computer Society) awards. She obtained her Master's (2009) and Doctor's (2012) degree in Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Her phd was in cooperation with King's College London (UK), under a sandwich Ph.D. programme of one year, and with University of Waterloo (Canada), with three three-month research visits. In 2008, she received the Google Women in Technology Award (Google). She was also a post-doc researcher at PUC-Rio in the Software Engineering Laboratory (LES) (2012), and worked as a software developer from 2005 to 2007. Dr. Nunes is an alumni of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation.


Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Doctor in Informatics
Thesis: User-centric Preference-based Decision Making (download)

Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Lucena

Sandwich PhD (12/2010 - 11/2011) - King's College London, London, UK
Supervisors: Prof. Michael Luck and Dr. Simon Miles

March 2009 - September 2012

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Master in Informatics
Dissertation: A Domain Engineering Process for Developing Multi-agent Systems Product Lines (download)

Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Lucena
Co-supervisor: Prof. Uirá Kulesza (UFRN)

March 2007 - March 2009

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Bachelor of Computer Science
Final Project: Portal para o Middleware GRADEp (download)

Supervisor: Prof. Cláudio Resin Geyer
Co-supervisor: Luciano Cavalheiro de Silva

June 2002 - August 2006


  • Best Senior Program Committee Member of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018). (2018)
  • Supervisor of the Second Best Master Dissertation in the Theses and Dissertations Contest (CTD 2009) - Student: Jhonny Mertz, Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). (2018)
  • Distinguished PC Member of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2018). (2018)
  • Best Paper Award of the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2017) - Paper: Investigating the Effectiveness of Peer Code Review in Distributed Software Development. (2017)
  • Nominated for Best Paper Award of the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2017) - Paper: Understanding Technical Debt at the Code Level from the Perspective of Software Developers. (2017)
  • Nominated for Best Tool Award of the 7th Brazilian Congress on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2016) - Tool: SAM: A Tool to Ease the Development of Intelligent Agents. (2016)
  • Best Paper Award of the 5th Workshop on Autonomous Software Systems (AutoSoft 2014) - Paper: Reengineering Network Resilience Strategies using the BDI Architecture. (2014)
  • Second Best Paper Award of the 23rd Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2009) - Paper: Automating the Product Derivation Process of Multi-Agent Systems Software Product Lines. (2009)
  • Google Women in Technology Award. (2008)
  • First Place in the Selection Process for the PhD Program (Department of Informatics), PUC-Rio. (2008)
  • Outstanding University Student in Informatics Award, SEPRORGS (2006).
  • Outstanding Student Award, Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). (2006)
  • Highest Honours (Computer Science), UFRGS. (2006)
  • Distinguished Work presented at the Scientific Initiation Workshop (SIC 2005), UFRGS. (2005)
  • Second Place in the Selection Process - Vestibular (Computer Science), PUCRS. (2002)
  • Fifth Place in the Selection Process - Vestibular (Computer Science), UFRGS. (2002)

Supervised Graduate Students

Selected Talks

  • Code Quality: Raiz vs. Nutella. Promob Dev Day 2021.
  • Technical Excellence in Software Development. Série de Seminários do INF + CEI-Talks, 2021.
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  • Revealing the Dark Side: sharing lessons learned in a fight against depression. Série de Seminários do INF, 2020.
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  • Software Architecture Recovery: Importance, Challenges, and Methods. Regional School on Software Engineering (ERES), 2019.
  • Extensions of the BDI Architecture as Reusable Solutions to Ease the Development of Sophisticated BDI Agents. Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications (WESAAC), 2019.
  • Providing Resilience and Efficiency to the Internet of Things. SEfIAS GI-Dagstuhl Seminar, 2018.
  • Interacting with Recommender Systems - Part III: Explanations (from slide 128). Tutorial in ACM Inteligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2017.



  • DAVILA, N. ; NUNES, I. ; WIESE, I. . A Fine-grained Taxonomy of Code Review Feedback in TypeScript Projects". Empirical Software Engineering, 2024.
  • DAVILA, N. ; WIESE, I. ; STEINMACHER, I. ; LUCIO, L. ; KAWAMOTO, A. ; FAVARO, G.K.P. ; NUNES, I. . An Industry Case Study on Adoption of AI-based Programming Assistants. International Conference in Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Practice track (ICSE-SEIP 2024). (pp.1-12). Lisbon: IEEE, 2024.
  • FACCIN, J. ; NUNES, I. ; HAMOU-LHADJ, A. . A cooperative strategy for diagnosing the root causes of quality requirement violations in multiagent systems. arXiv:2404.12226 [cs.SE], 2024.
  • SANTOS, E.W. ; NUNES, I. ; JANNACH, D. . Developer perceptions of modern code review processes in practice: Insights from a case study in a mid-sized company. The Journal of Systems & Software, 2024.
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  • ALMEIDA, E.S. ; NUNES, I. ; OLIVEIRA, R.P. ; CARVALHO, M.L.L. ; BRUNONI, A.R. ; RONG, S. ; AHMED, I. . A Snapshot of the Mental Health of Software Professionals. arXiv:2309.17140 [cs.SE], 2023.
  • MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. . Software runtime monitoring with adaptive sampling rate to collect representative samples of execution traces. The Journal of Systems & Software, 2023.
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  • SANTOS, E.W. ; NUNES, I. ; JANNACH, D. . Team-related Features in Code Review Prediction Models. arXiv:2312.06244 [cs.SE], 2023.


  • MELOCA, R. ; NUNES, I. . A comparative study of application-level caching recommendations at the method level. Empirical Software Engineering, 2022.
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  • PATEL, K. ; FACCIN, J. ; HAMOU-LHADJ, A. ; NUNES, I. . The Sense of Logging in the Linux Kernel. Empirical Software Engineering, 2022.
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  • DAVILA, N. ; NUNES, I. . A Systematic Literature Review and Taxonomy of Modern Code Review. The Journal of Systems & Software, 2021.
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  • MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. ; DELLA TOFFOLA, L. ; SELAKOVIC, M. ; PRADEL, M. . Satisfying Increasing Performance Requirements with Caching at the Application Level. IEEE SOFTWARE, , vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 87-95, May-June 2021,
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  • MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. . Tigris: a DSL and Framework for Monitoring Software Systems at Runtime. The Journal of Systems & Software, 2021.
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  • SCHARDONG, F. ; NUNES, I. ; SCHAEFFER FILHO, A.E. . NFV Resource Allocation: A Systematic Review and Taxonomy of VNF Forwarding Graph Embedding. COMPUTER NETWORKS, v. 185, 2021.


  • SANTOS, FERNANDO ; Nunes, Ingrid ; BAZZAN, ANA L.C. . Quantitatively Assessing the Benefits of Model-driven Development in Agent-based Modeling and Simulation. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, v. 104, p. 102-126, 2020.
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  • D'ANGELO, M. ; GHAHREMANI, S. ; GERASIMOU, S. ; GROHMANN, J. ; NUNES, I. ; TOMFORDE, S. ; POURNARAS, E. . Learning to Learn in Collective Adaptive Systems: Mining Design Patterns for Data-driven Reasoning. In: Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems, 2020, Washington. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C). New York: IEEE, 2020. p. 121-126.
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  • NUNES, I.; TREUDE, C. ; CALEFATO, F. . The Impact of Dynamics of Collaborative Software Engineering on Introverts: A Study Protocol. In: International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2020, Seoul. MSR '20: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories. New York: ACM, 2020. p. 619-622.
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  • PEREIRA, G. F. ; NUNES, I. ; PIMENTA, M.S. . Test-case-based Code Navigation in Dynamically Typed Programming Languages. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software, 2020, Natal. SBCARS '20: Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse. New York: ACM, 2020. p. 81-90.


  • NUNES, I. ; TAYLOR, PHILLIP ; BARAKAT, LINA ; GRIFFITHS, NATHAN ; MILES, S. . Explaining reputation assessments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, v. 123, p. 1-17, 2019.
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  • JANNACH, D. ; JUGOVAC, M. ; NUNES, I. . Explanations and user control in recommender systems. In: Mirjam Augstein; Eelco Herder; Wolfgang Wörndl. (Org.). Personalized Human–Computer Interaction. 1ed.Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019, v. , p. 133-155.
  • D'ANGELO, M. ; GERASIMOU, S. ; GHAHREMANI, S. ; GROHMANN, J. ; NUNES, I. ; POURNARAS, E. ; TOMFORDE, S. . On learning in collective self-adaptive systems: state of practice and a 3D framework. In: International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 2019, Montreal. SEAMS '19 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 2019. p. 13-24.
  • FERREIRA, I. ; NUNES, I. . MCRMiner: a Tool to Support Empirical Studies on Modern Code Review. In: Escola Regional de Engenharia de Software, 2019, Rio do Sul. 2019: Anais da III Escola Regional de Engenharia de Software. Porto Alegre: SBC, 2019. p. 9-16.
  • JANNACH, D. ; JUGOVAC, M. ; NUNES, I. . Explanations and User Control in Recommender Systems. In: Workshop on Personalization and Recommendation on the Web and Beyond, 2019, Hof. ABIS '19: Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Personalization and Recommendation on the Web and Beyond. New York: ACM, 2019. p. 31.
  • MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. . On the Practical Feasibility of Software Monitoring: a Framework for Low-impact Execution Tracing. In: International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 2019, Montreal. SEAMS '19 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 2019. p. 169-180.


  • FACCIN, J. ; NUNES, I. . Remediating critical cause-effect situations with an extended BDI architecture. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, v. 95, p. 190-200, 2018.
  • MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. . Automation of application-level caching in a seamless way. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, v. 48, p. 1218-1237, 2018.
  • SANTOS, E.W. ; NUNES, I. . Investigating the effectiveness of peer code review in distributed software development based on objective and subjective data. JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 6, p. 14, 2018.
  • SANTOS, F. ; NUNES, I. ; BAZZAN, A. L. C. . Model-driven agent-based simulation development: A modeling language and empirical evaluation in the adaptive traffic signal control domain. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, v. 83, p. 162-187, 2018.
  • SIRQUEIRA, T. ; VIANA, M. ; CUNHA, F. ; NUNES, I. ; LUCENA, C. . Data provenance in multiagent systems: relevance, benefits and research opportunities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METADATA, SEMANTICS AND ONTOLOGIES, v. 13, p. 9-19, 2018.
  • ZAPALOWSKI, VANIUS ; NUNES, I. ; NUNES, D. . The WGB method to recover implemented architectural rules. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, v. 103, p. 125-137, 2018.
  • ARAÚJO, C. W. ; ZAPALOWSKI, V. ; NUNES, I. . Using Code Quality Features to Predict Bugs in Procedural Software Systems. In: Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2018, São Carlos. Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. New York: ACM, 2018. p. 122-131.
  • FACCIN, J. G. ; NUNES, I. . Cleaning up the mess: a formal framework for autonomously reverting BDI agent actions. In: International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 2018, Götenburg. SEAMS '18 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. New York: ACM, 2018. p. 108-118.
  • JUGOVAC, M. ; NUNES, I. ; JANNACH, D. . Investigating the Decision-Making Behavior of Maximizers and Satisficers in the Presence of Recommendations. In: International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2018, Cingapura. UMAP '18 Proceedings of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. New York: ACM, 2018. p. 279-283.
  • LALANDA, P. ; MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. . Autonomic caching management in industrial smart gateways. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, 2018, Saint-Petersburg. 2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS). New York: IEEE, 2018. p. 26-31.
  • MERTZ, J. ; CORREA, E. ; GOMES, W. ; NUNES, I. . LRDB: a Database of Literature Reviews in Computer Science. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, 2018, São Carlos. Anais da Sessão de Ferramentas do Congresso Brasileiro de Software. Porto Alegre: SBC, 2018. p. 19-24.
  • SCHARDONG, F. ; NUNES, I. ; SCHAEFFER FILHO, A.E. . Providing Cognitive Components with a Bidding Heuristic for Emergent NFV Orchestration. In: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2018). New York: IEEE, 2018.
  • ZAPALOWSKI, V. ; NUNES, I. ; NUNES, D. . Understanding architecture non-conformance: Why is there a gap between conceptual architectural rules and source code dependencies?. In: Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2018, São Carlos. Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. New York: ACM, 2018. p. 22-31.


  • FACCIN, J. G. ; NUNES, I. . A tool-supported development method for improved BDI plan selection. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v. 62, p. 195-213, 2017.
  • MERTZ, JHONNY ; Nunes, Ingrid . A Qualitative Study of Application-level Caching. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v. 43, p. 798-816, 2017.
  • MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. . Understanding Application-Level Caching in Web Applications: A Comprehensive Introduction and Survey of State-of-the-Art Approaches. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS, v. 50, p. 1-34, 2017.
  • NUNES, I.; JANNACH, D. . A systematic review and taxonomy of explanations in decision support and recommender systems. USER MODELING AND USER-ADAPTED INTERACTION, v. 27, p. 393-444, 2017.
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  • NUNES, I.; SCHARDONG, F.; SCHAEFFER-FILHO, A. . BDI2DoS: an Application using Collaborating BDI Agents to Combat DDoS Attacks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, v. 84, p. 14-24, 2017.
  • SILVA, D.; NUNES, I.; TERRA, R. . Investigating Code Quality Tools in the Context of Software Engineering Education. In: Computer Applications in Engineering Education, v. 25, p. 230-241, 2017.
  • ARAÚJO, C.; NUNES, I.; NUNES, D. . On the Effectiveness of Bug Predictors with Procedural Systems: A Quantitative Study. In: 20th International Conference (FASE 2017) held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2017), v. 10202, p. 78-95, Sweden.
  • CIRILO, E. ; CAFEO, B. ; NUNES, I. ; GARCIA, A. ; KULESZA, U. ; LUCENA, C. J. P. . Comprehensibility of Heterogeneous Configuration Knowledge: A User Study. In: Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2017, Fortaleza. Proceedings of the 31st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. New York: ACM, 2017. p. 124-133.
  • FACCIN, J. G. ; NUNES, I. . Modelling and Reasoning about Remediation Actions in BDI Agents (Extended Abstract). In: International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagents Systems, 2017, São Paulo. AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. Richland: IFAAMAS, 2017. p. 1526-1528.
  • FACCIN, J. G. ; NUNES, I. . Raciocínio Causal em Agentes BDI: um Modelo Abstrato. In: Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, seus Ambientes e apliCações, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do XI Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, seus Ambientes e apliCações (WESAAC 2017), 2017. p. 211-216.
  • FACCIN, J. G. ; NUNES, I. ; BAZZAN, A. L. C. . Understanding the Behaviour of Learning-based BDI Agents in the Braess' Paradox. In: German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, 2017, Leipzig. Multiagent System Technologies: 15th German Conference, MATES 2017, Leipzig, Germany, August 23--26, 2017, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. v. 10413. p. 187-204.
  • JANNACH, D. ; NUNES, I. ; JUGOVAC, M. . Interacting with Recommender Systems. In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2017, Limassol. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion. New York: ACM, 2017. p. 25-27.
  • MERTZ, J. ; ZAPALOWSKI, V. ; LALANDA, P. ; NUNES, I. . Autonomic Management of Context Data based on Application Requirements. In: Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments, 2017, Beijing. IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. p. 8622-8627.
  • MOREIRA, D. ; SANTOS, F. ; BARBIERI, M. ; NUNES, I. . ABStractme: Modularized Environment Modeling in Agent-based Simulations (Demonstration). In: International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagents Systems, 2017, São Paulo. AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. Richland: IFAAMAS, 2017. p. 1802-1804.
  • ROCHA, J. C. ; ZAPALOWSKI, V. ; NUNES, I. . Understanding Technical Debt at the Code Level from the Perspective of Software Developers. In: Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2017, Fortaleza. Proceedings of the 31st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. New York: ACM, 2017. p. 64-73.
  • SANTOS, E. W. ; NUNES, I. . Investigating the Effectiveness of Peer Code Review in Distributed Software Development. In: Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2017, Fortaleza. Proceedings of the 31st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. New York: ACM, 2017. p. 84-93.
  • SANTOS, F. ; NUNES, I. . Uma Análise Quantitativa do Esforço de Desenvolvimento em Plataformas de Simulações baseadas em Agentes. In: Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, seus Ambientes e apliCações, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do XI Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, seus Ambientes e apliCações (WESAAC 2017), 2017. p. 125-136.
  • SANTOS, F. ; BAZZAN, A. L. C. ; NUNES, I. . Model-Driven Engineering in Agent-based Modeling and Simulation: a Case Study in the Traffic Signal Control Domain (Extended Abstract). In: International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagents Systems, 2017, São Paulo. AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. Richland: IFAAMAS, 2017. p. 1725-1727.
  • SANTOS, F. ; NUNES, I. ; BAZZAN, A. L. C. . A Case Study of the Development of an Agent-based Simulation in the Traffic Signal Control Domain using an MDD Approach. In: International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, 2017, São Paulo. 5th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, 2017. p. 97-112.
  • SANTOS, F. ; NUNES, I. ; BAZZAN, A. L. C. . Supporting the Development of Agent-based Simulations: a DSL for Environment Modeling. In: Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2017, Turin. 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference. New York: IEEE, 2017. p. 170-179.
  • SCHARDONG, F. ; NUNES, I. ; SCHAEFFER FILHO, A.E. . A Distributed NFV Orchestrator based on BDI Reasoning. In: IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 2017, Lisbon. 2017 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2017). New York: IEEE, 2017. p. 107-115.
  • SCHMITZ, C. ; ALVES, G. ; ZAPALOWSKI, V. ; NUNES, I. ; NUNES, D. J. . Extracting Implemented Module Dependencies with the ArR Tool. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, 2017, Fortaleza. Anais da Sessão de Ferramentas do Congresso Brasileiro de Software. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira da Computação (SBC), 2017. p. 89-96.


  • NUNES, I.; FACCIN, J. G. . Modelling and Implementing Modularised BDI Agents with Capability Relationships. International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, v. 5(2/3), p. 203-231, 2016.
  • BALDONI, M.; MULLER, J. P.; NUNES, I.; ZALILA-WENKSTERN, R. . Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, 4th International Workshop, EMAS 2016, Singapore, Singapore, May 9-10, 2016, Revised, Selected, and Invited Papers. 1. ed. Berlin: Springer, 2016. v. 1. 239p .
  • FACCIN, J. G. ; WENG, J. ; NUNES, I. . SAM: A Tool to Ease the Development of Intelligent Agents. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, 2016, Maringá. XXIII Sessão de Ferramentas: Sessão de Ferramentas 2016. Porto Alegre: SBC, 2016. p. 89-96.
  • MERTZ, J. ; NUNES, I. . Seamless and Adaptive Application-level Caching. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, 2016, Maringá. Workshop de Teses e Dissertações: WTDSoft 2016. Porto Alegre: SBC, 2016. p. 70-76.
  • NUNES, D. J. ; YAMAGUTI, M. ; NUNES, I. . Refinamento de Competências do Egresso do Curso de Engenharia de Software. In: Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2016, Maringá. IX Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software (FEES 2016). p. 143-155.


  • NUNES, I.; BARBOSA, S.; COWAN, D.; MILES, S.; LUCK, M.; LUCENA, C. (2015), Natural Language based Representation of User Preferences. Interacting with Computers, v. 27(2), p. 133-158.
  • NUNES, I. ; MILES, S. ; LUCK, M. ; BARBOSA, S. D. J. ; Lucena, Carlos J. P. (2015), Decision Making with Natural Language based Preferences and Psychology-inspired Heuristics. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, v. 42, p. 16-35.
  • NUNES, I. ; MILES, S. ; LUCK, M. ; LUCENA, C. (2015), An Introduction to Reasoning over Qualitative Multi-attribute Preferences. Knowledge Engineering Review (Print), v. 30(3), p. 342-372, 2015.
  • FACCIN, J. G. ; NUNES, I. . BDI-Agent Plan Selection based on Prediction of Plan Outcomes. In: ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'15), IEEE, Singapore. p. 187-173.
  • OLIVEIRA, M. ; RIBEIRO, L. ; COTA, E. ; DUARTE, L. M. ; NUNES, I. ; REIS, F. . Use Case Analysis Based on Formal Methods: An Empirical Study. In: Mihai Codescu, Razvan Diaconescu, and Ionut Tutu. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015, v. 9463, p. 110-130.
  • TOMASI, L. L. ; STEIN, J. Q. ; NUNES, I. . SACRES 2.0: Suporte à Recomendação de Configurações considerando Múltiplos Stakeholders. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática - XXII Sessão de Ferramentas, 2015, Belo Horizonte. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), 2015. p. 33-40.


  • NUNES, I. (2014) Improving the Design and Modularity of BDI Agents with Capability Relationships. F. Dalpiaz et al. (Eds.): EMAS 2014, LNAI 8758, pp. 58-80. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
  • NUNES, I. (2014) Capability Relationships in BDI Agents, in The 2nd International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2014) at AAMAS 2014. Paris, France. p. 56-72.
  • NUNES, I.; LUCK, M. (2014), Softgoal-based Plan Selection in Model-driven BDI Agents, in The 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), IFAAMAS, Paris, France. p. 749-756.
  • NUNES, I., MILES, S., LUCK, M., BARBOSA, S.D.J., LUCENA, C. (2014) Pattern-based Explanation for Automated Decisions, in The 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014). IOS Press, Prague, Czech Republic. p. 669-674.
  • NUNES, I., SCHAEFFER-FILHO, A. (2014) Reengineering Network Resilience Strategies using a BDI Architecture, in The 5th Workshop on Autonomous Software Systems (AutoSoft 2014). Maceió, Brazil. p. 25-36.
  • OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, M.A., RIBEIRO, L., COTA, E., DUARTE, L.M., NUNES, I., REIS, F. (2014) Use Case Analysis based on Formal Methods: An Empirical Study, in 17th Simpósio Brasileiro de Métodos Formais (SBMF 2014). Maceió, Brazil. p. 13-20.
  • STEIN, J., NUNES, I., CIRILO, E. (2014) Preference-based Feature Model Configuration with Multiple Stakeholders, in The 18th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2014).Florence, Italy. p. 132-141.
  • ZAPALOWSKI, V., NUNES, I., NUNES, D. (2014) Revealing the Relationship Between Architectural Elements and Source Code Characteristics, in The 22nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2014). Hyderabad, India. p. 14-25.
  • ZAPALOWSKI, V., NUNES, I., NUNES, D. (2014) ArchViz: a Tool to Support Architecture Recovery Research, in The Tools Session of the Fifth Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2014). Maceió, Brazil. p. 13-20.


  • LUCENA, C.J.P., NUNES, I. (2013), Contributions to the Emergence and Consolidation of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, The Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) 86, p. 890-904.


  • CIRILO, E., NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2012), Automating the product derivation process of multi-agent systems product lines, The Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) 85(2), 258-276.
  • CIRILO, E., NUNES, I., CARVALHO, D., CARVALHO, G., VEIGA, A., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2012), Engenharia de software em Telessaúde: aplicações e desafios, in: Gold book: inovação tecnológica em educação e saúde, Mathias I. and Monteiro A. (eds.), EdUERJ, Rio de Janeiro, 371-404.
  • NUNES, I., CHEN, Y., MILES, S., LUCK, M., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2012), Transparent Provenance Derivation for User Decisions, in P. Groth and J. Frew, ed., 4th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW 2012), Vol. 7525 of LNCS, Springer, Santa Barbara, United States, pp. 111-125.
  • NUNES, I., LUCK, M., BARBOSA, S., MILES, S., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2012), Dynamically Adapting BDI Agents based on High-level User Specifications, in Francien Deschesne, Hiromitsu Hattori, Adriaan ter Mors, Jose Miguel Such, Danny Weyns and Frank Dignum (eds.), Advanced Agent Technology; proceedings of workshops at AAMAS 2011, Vol. 7068 of LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2012, p. 139-163.
  • NUNES, I., MILES, S., LUCK, M., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2012), User-centric Principles in Automated Decision Making, in L.N. Barros, M. Finger, and A.T.R. Pozo, ed., 21st Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA 2012), Vol. 7589 of LNAI, Springer, Curitiba, Brazil, pp. 42-51.
  • NUNES, I., MILES, S., LUCK, M., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2012), Investigating Explanations to Justify Choice, in Judith Masthoff, Bamshad Mobasher, Michel C. Desmarais and Roger Nkambou, ed., Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, UMAP 2012, Vol. 7379 of LNCS, Springer Heidelberg, Montreal, Canada, pp. 212-224.
  • NUNES, I., MILES, S., LUCK, M., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2012), User-centric preference-based decision making, in Conitzer, Winikoff, Padgham, and van der Hoek, ed., Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), IFMAAS, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1225-1226.


  • NUNES, I., LUCENA, C.J.P., COWAN, D., KULESZA, U., ALENCAR, P., NUNES, C. (2011), Developing Multi-agent System Product Lines: From Requirements to Code, International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (IJAOSE) 4(4), 353-389.
  • CIRILO, E., NUNES, I., GARCIA, A., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2011), Configuration Knowledge of Software Product Lines: A Comprehensibility Study, 2nd International Workshop on Variability & Composition (VariComp'11) - part of AOSD'11, ACM, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, pp. 1-5.
  • NUNES, I., BARBOSA, S., LUCK, M., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2011), Dynamically Adapting BDI Agent Architectures based on High-level User Specifications, in Danny Weyns and Jörg P. Müller, ed., The 12th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2011), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 105-116.
  • NUNES, I. ; CIRILO, E.; LUCENA, C. ; SUDEIKAT, J.; HAHN, C.; GOMEZ-SANZ, J. A Survey on the Implementation of Agent Oriented Specifications. In: M.-P. Gleizes and J.J. Gomez-Sanz. (Org.). Agent-Oriented Software Engineering X (LNCS). : Springer-Verlag, 2011, v. 6038, p. 169-179.
  • NUNES, I., COWAN, D., CIRILO, E.J.R., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2011), A Case for New Directions in Agent-oriented Software Engineering, in Danny Weyns and Marie-Pierre Gleizes, ed., Agent-Oriented Software Engineering XI, Vol. 6788 of LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2011, p. 37-61.
  • NUNES, I. ; LUCENA, C. ; KULESZA, U. ; NUNES, C. . On the Development of Multi-agent Systems Product Lines: A Domain Engineering Process. In: M.-P. Gleizes and J.J. Gomez-Sanz. (Org.). Agent-Oriented Software Engineering X (LNCS). : Springer-Verlag, 2011, v. 6038, p. 125-139.
  • NUNES, I., LUCENA, C.J.P., LUCK, M. (2011), BDI4JADE: a BDI layer on top of JADE, in Louise A. Dennis and Olivier Boissier and Rafael H. Bordini, ed., Ninth International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS 2011), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 88-103.


  • COWAN, D., ALENCAR, P., MCGARRY, F., LUCENA, C.J.P., NUNES, I. (2010), Asset-mapping Approaches to Web-based Collaborative Innovation, 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2010), ACM, Toronto, Canada, pp. 528-532.
  • COWAN, D., ALENCAR, P., MCGARRY, F., LUCENA, C.J.P., NUNES, I. (2010), A Web-based Framework for Collaborative Innovation , in Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen, ed., Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation (ISoLA 2010), Vol. 6415 of LNCS, Springer, Heraclion, Greece, pp. 447-461.
  • NUNES, I., BARBOSA, S., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2010), Increasing Users Trust on Personal Assistance Software using a Domain-neutral High-level User Model, in Tiziana Margaria and Bernhard Steffen, ed., Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation (ISoLA 2010), Vol. 6415 of LNCS, Springer, Heraclion, Greece, pp. 473-487.
  • NUNES, I., BARBOSA, S., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2010), Supporting the Development of Personal Assistance Software, AUTOSOFT 2010 - I Workshop on Autonomous Software Systems, Vol. 10, SBC, Salvador, Brazil, pp. 31-40.
  • NUNES, I., BARBOSA, S., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2010), An End-user Domain-specific Model to Drive Dynamic User Agents Adaptations, Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2010), KSI, San Francisco, United States, pp. 509-514.
  • NUNES, I., CHOREN, R., NUNES, C., FABRI, B., SILVA, F., CARVALHO G., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2010), Supporting Prenatal Care in the Public Healthcare System in a Newly Industrialized Country, in van der Hoek, Kaminka, Lesperance, Luck and Sen, ed., 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010) - Industry Track, Toronto, Canada, pp. 1723-1730


  • NUNES, C., KULESZA, U., SANTANNA, C., NUNES, I., GARCIA, A. , LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Assessment of the Design Modularity and Stability of Multi-Agent System Product Lines, Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) Special Issue on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse 11(15), 2254-2283.
  • CIRILO, E.J.R., NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Automating the Product Derivation Process of Multi-Agent Systems Product Lines, XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2009), Fortaleza, Brasil, pp. 12-21.
  • CIRILO, E.J.R., NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), A Multi-agent Systems Product Line Derivation Tool, ICSR 2009 (Tools Demo Session), Falls Church.
  • CIRILO, E. ; NUNES, I. ; KULESZA, U. ; NUNES, C. ; LUCENA, C. . Automatic Product Derivation of Multi-agent Systems Product Lines. In: SAC 2009: 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2009, Hawaii, USA. ''Poster Session.'' Proceedings of 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2009. p. 731-732.
  • FARIAS K., NUNES, I., SILVA, V. T., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), MAS-ML Tool: Um Ambiente de Modelagem de Sistemas Multi-Agentes, V Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2009), Fortaleza, Brasil, pp. 1-12.
  • GADELHA, B., NUNES, I., FUKS, H., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), An Approach for Developing Groupware Product Lines Based on the 3C Collaboration Model, Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use (CRIWG 2009), Vol. 5784 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Peso da Régua, Portugal, Luís Carriço, Nelson Baloian and Benjamim Fonseca, pp. 328-343.
  • NUNES, C. ; KULESZA, U. ; SANT'ANNA C., NUNES, I. O. ; GARCIA A. ; LUCENA, C. . Comparing Stability of Implementation Techniques for Multi-Agent System Product Lines. In: CSMR 2009: 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2009, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2009. pp. 229-232.
  • NUNES, I., CIRILO, E.J.R., COWAN, D., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Fine-grained Variability in the Development of Families of Software Agents, 7th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2009), Ayia Napa, Cyprus.
    download slides
  • NUNES, I., CIRILO, E.J.R., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Developing a Family of Software Agents with Fine-grained Variability: an Exploratory Study, V Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2009), Fortaleza, Brasil, pp. 71-82.
  • NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., NUNES, C., CIRILO, E., LUCENA, C. A Domain Analysis Approach for Multi-agent Systems Product Lines In: Enterprise Information Systems IV ed. (ICEIS 2009) Berlin: Springer, 2009, v.24, p. 716-727.
  • NUNES, I. ; KULESZA, U. ; NUNES, C. ; CIRILO, E. ; LUCENA, C. . Extending PASSI to Model Multi-agent Systems Product Lines. In: SAC 2009: 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2009, Hawaii, USA. ''Poster Session.'' Proceedings of 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2009. p. 729-730.
  • NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., NUNES, C., LUCENA, C. A Domain Engineering Process for Developing Multi-agent Systems Product Lines In: The Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), 2009, Budapest. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2009. p.1339 - 1340
  • NUNES, I., LUCENA, C.J.P., COWAN, D., ALENCAR, P. (2009), Building Service-oriented User Agents using a Software Product Line Approach, in Stephen Edwards and Gregory Kulczycki, ed., Formal Foundations of Reuse and Domain Engineering (ICSR 2009), Vol. 5791 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Falls Church, United States, pp. 236-245.
  • NUNES, I., LUCENA, C., KULESZA, U., NUNES, C. On the Development of Multi-agent Systems Product Lines: A Domain Engineering Process In: 10th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2009), 2009, Budapest. The Tenth International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 2009. p. 109 - 120
  • NUNES, I. ; NUNES, C. ; KULESZA, U. ; LUCENA, C. . Developing and Evolving a Multi-Agent System Product Line: An Exploratory Study. In: Michael Luck; Jorge J. Gomez-Sanz. (Org.). Agent-Oriented Software Engineering IX (LNCS). : Springer-Verlag, 2009, v. 5386, p. 228-242.


  • NUNES, C. ; KULESZA, U. ; SANTANNA, C. ; NUNES, I. O. ; LUCENA, C. . On the Modularity Assessment of Aspect-Oriented Multi-Agent Systems Product Lines: a Quantitative Study. In: SBCARS'08: II Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse, 2008, Porto Alegre. Proceedings of the II Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse, 2008. p. 122-135.
  • NUNES, I. ; KULESZA, U. ; NUNES, C. ; CIRILO, E. ; LUCENA, C. . Extending Web-Based Applications to Incorporate Autonomous Behavior. In: WebMedia 2008: XIV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, 2008, Vila Velha. Proceedings of XIV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, 2008. p. 115-122.
  • NUNES, I. ; KULESZA, U. ; NUNES, C. ; LUCENA, C. . Documenting and Modeling Multi-agent Systems Product Lines. In: SEKE'08: International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2008, San Francisco. Proceedings of Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2008. p. 745-751.
  • NUNES, I. ; NUNES, C. ; KULESZA, U. ; LUCENA, C. . Developing and Evolving a Multi-Agent System Product Line: An Exploratory Study. In: AOSE'08: 9th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 2008, Estoril. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 2008. p. 177-188.


  • NUNES, I. ; LISBOA, M. L. . Testador Automático de Classes. In: I Congresso Sul Catarinense de Computação, 2005, Criciuma. Anais do SulComp2005, 2005.
Dissertation and Thesis
Technical Reports


  • NUNES, I., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2010), BDI4JADE: a BDI layer on top of JADE, Technical Report 15/10, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • NUNES, I., BARBOSA, S., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2010), Understanding How Users Express Preferences: a User Study, Technical Report CS-2010-19, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
  • NUNES, I. (2010), On the Development of Personalized User Agents: A Model-driven Approach, Technical Report 14/10, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • SILVA, A., NUNES, I., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2010), Estudo sobre Modelos de Representação de Preferências de Usuário, Technical Report 03/10, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


  • NUNES, I., CARVALHO, D., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Estudo sobre Algoritmos de Classificação para o Referenciamento de Gestantes de Alto-risco, Technical Report 38/09, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • NUNES, I., NUNES, C., CARVALHO G., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), SUAP - Sistema Unificado de Assistência Pré-natal, Technical Report 37/09, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • NUNES, I., BARBOSA, S., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Modeling user preferences into agent architectures: a survey, Technical Report 25/09, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • NUNES, I., LUCENA, C.J.P., ALENCAR, P., COWAN, D. (2009), Taking Advantage of the Interplay among Software Product Lines, Service-oriented Architectures and Multi-agent Systems, Technical Report CS-2009-17, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.


  • NUNES, I. ; KULESZA, U. ; NUNES, C. ; LUCENA, C. . A domain engineering process for developing multi-agent systems product lines. Rio de Janeiro: Department of Informatics PUC-Rio, 2008 (Technical Report).
  • NUNES, I. ; KULESZA, U. ; NUNES, C. ; CIRILO, E. ; LUCENA, C. . Extending PASSI to Model Multi-agent Systems Product Lines. Rio de Janeiro: Department of Informatics PUC-Rio, 2008 (Technical Report).
  • NUNES, C. ; NUNES, I. O. ; KULESZA, U. ; LUCENA, C. . Developing and Evolving Multi-Agent System Product Lines. Rio de Janeiro: Department of Informatics PUC-Rio, 2008 (Technical Report).


  • NUNES, I. Implementação do Modelo e da Arquitetura BDI. Rio de Janeiro: Department of Informatics PUC-Rio, 2007 (Technical Report).